At Breckland Precision we’ve been very busy over the 12 months, here are some of the developments in a nutshell! Two apprentices are now working with us, one in our milling department and the other in turning A personal assistant has joined the company to assist our Director Dianne Hendry Full time CNC turner employed […]
New Website Launch
Component Photography

As part of the launch of our new website, we’ve added a range of component images that have been machined from various materials. The components are examples of parts we manufacture for a wide range of industries and applications and showcase our machining skill. Please click here to view our gallery.

Flybrid Systems are pleased to be associated with Breckland Precision Engineering, they are one of our approved suppliers of machined parts. Their attention to detail and timely deliveries ensures that we receive the right parts, first time, on time. Phil Bickerton. Flybrid Systems Parts Coordinator.